Клиентами г-на Волченко являются компании информационных технологий и софтверного бизнеса, средств массовой информации, финансовые компании, пищевой промышленности, культуры и развлечений.
Typical clients include:- well-respected Danish, Russian, Ukrainian IP boutique firms that participate in cross referrals of international trademark and patent filings;
- a North Carolina telecom company with operations in the former Soviet Union;
- an online DVD reseller of art club films;
- an exclusive North American distributor of leather pet products;
- a retail and online furniture store that sells luxury European home furniture;
- a US-based wood cabinetry manufacturer and re-seller;
- a maker of software that analyzes stock trading trends;
- Russian, Israeli and U.S. technology companies;
- one of the world's leading natural resources groups, traded on LSE and co-controlled by Kazakhstan mogul.