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We maintain two blogs: one in English (Sputnik Blog) and another in Russian (Opora Blog or Блог Опора).

Sputnik Blog – A blog about developments in legal protection of technology innovation and brand names.

Opora Blog - Blog of Russian Expats in America. We discuss business, legal and cultural events that impact our lives.

... few spots available, I was pleased with the attendance. We have participants from New Zealand, India; two from Unites States, one participant represented Latvia and Russia. We had only one no-show (from Serbia). The topic of my roundtable was the Madrid International Filing System. Many countries belong to this System. (It’s easy to say which countries do not belong to the System. Those countries that are not part of the System include most of the Latin America, Africa and Canada.) For many ...
Tuesday, May 21, 2013 21:24:31

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