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Blog Search
We maintain two blogs: one in English (Sputnik Blog) and another in Russian (Opora Blog or Блог Опора).
Sputnik Blog – A blog about developments in legal protection of technology innovation and brand names.
Opora Blog - Blog of Russian Expats in America. We discuss business, legal and cultural events that impact our lives.
On November 14, 2016, the Federal Circuit handed a small but important victory to a small Illinois church in its trademark saga dispute with adidas AG, a sport apparel giant, reversing the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board’s (TTAB) decision in adidas AG v. Christian Faith Fellowship Church, Cancellation No. 92053314 (September 14, 2015) [not precedential].
In the underlying TTAB proceeding, adidas sought to cancel the Church’s ADD A ZERO trademark registrations on three grounds and prevailed...
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