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We maintain two blogs: one in English (Sputnik Blog) and another in Russian (Opora Blog or Блог Опора).

Sputnik Blog – A blog about developments in legal protection of technology innovation and brand names.

Opora Blog - Blog of Russian Expats in America. We discuss business, legal and cultural events that impact our lives.

On September 4, 2014, the Third Circuit, the circuit that covers Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and Virgin Islands, made it easier for a winning party to recover attorneys’ fees from a losing party in a trademark case. Fair Wind Sailing, Inc. v. Dempster, Nos. 13-3305 & 14-1572, 2014 U.S. App. LEXIS 17118 (Sept. 4, 2014). In U.S., each litigant generally pays its own attorneys’ fees, win or lose, unless a special statute applies. As I wrote earlier this year, ...
Tuesday, September 16, 2014 20:53:32

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