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We maintain two blogs: one in English (Sputnik Blog) and another in Russian (Opora Blog or Блог Опора).

Sputnik Blog – A blog about developments in legal protection of technology innovation and brand names.

Opora Blog - Blog of Russian Expats in America. We discuss business, legal and cultural events that impact our lives.

... Board’s (TTAB) decision in adidas AG v. Christian Faith Fellowship Church, Cancellation No. 92053314 (September 14, 2015) [not precedential]. In the underlying TTAB proceeding, adidas sought to cancel the Church’s ADD A ZERO trademark registrations on three grounds and prevailed on one of them. The Church was selling hats and t-shirts out of its bookstore located in the basement. The Board held that the Church’s documented sale of two marked hats to an out-of-state resident were ...
Wednesday, November 23, 2016 20:56:08
... anything but possible. Under In re Bose, fraud must be proven with clear and convincing evidence. A false statement made with a reasonable and honest belief of its truth is not fraud. There must be an "intent to mislead the USPTO into issuing a registration to which the applicant was not otherwise entitled." This is a very tough standard to meet. Nationstar gives a fact scenario when you should be able to meet that standard and prove fraud. Let’s consider the facts in Nationstar....
Wednesday, October 15, 2014 19:52:44
I appreciate all your support and your readership. You can now sign up to my Sputnik Blog via News Subscription and receive email alerts about every new posting. It’s easy as 1-2-3 (or 1-2-3-4 to be exact). Please follow the on-screen instructions. For your convenience, I described these steps below with screenshots. Subscribe and don’t miss any new postings! If you experience any difficulties with signing up or do not receive a News update within one-two weeks, please email me at . Enjoy and...
Monday, June 17, 2013 20:45:29

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